Michigan Creative Support

How do I add/edit a page to my website?

If you would like to add or edit a page on your wordpress site, first you will need to log into the wordpress dashboard. If you need help accessing your admin please view "How do I log into my website/wordpress?" and "I lost my login information, how can I get access to my account?". Once you have logged into the dashboard, click the Page menu item on the far left hand side. This is the page listing page, which displays all of the pages currently on your website. If you would like to edit any of these pages, all you have to do is click on the title of the page you would like to edit, which open up the page edit page, in a simple to use Visual Composer page editor. If you would like to create a new page, press the "add new" link at the top of the page listing page, which will open up a page similar to the edit page page, allowing you to create a title, and create the page content, in a simple to use Visual Composer page editor. If you would like to learn how to use Visual Composer, please check "How do I use Visual Composer?"

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Date added:
November 6th, 2016, 08:59:03
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